Belmont C of E (Controlled) Primary School

Flourishing Together

01913 844178

Buckinghamshire Road, Durham, County Durham DH1 2QP



During the Summer term, all class teachers liaise closely with their children’s next class teacher to ensure needs are fully explained. All class teachers familiarise themselves with the child’s EHCP or School Support Plan. Parents of children with SEND are given the opportunity to meet their next child’s class teacher before the Summer holidays.  

Many children move onto Belmont Community School with whom we have close links. Children from Y3-6 are invited to a variety of events there each year. A transition worker visits school to work with Y6 during the Spring term. In July, all the Y6 children have two induction days in order to become more familiar with their new school. At this time, there is also close liaison between the two school SENDCO’s regarding the needs of the Y6 children with SEND.  Information from outside agencies such as SALT, OT, CAMHS and EP is also shared with the child's new setting.

Children moving on to other Secondary Schools are encouraged to participate fully in their transition days and discussions about children's needs take place between the SENDCos. Additional visits can be arranged to provide additional transition.


Reviewed: September 2021